Qualities of Effective Leadership

: المقدّمة

The ability to lead within an organisation has become an essential skill in the modern business world. This is the result of the need for organisations to adapt and change their operations in order to keep pace with fluctuations and developments within markets. Increased competition and innovations in technology, combined with rapidly changing economic conditions, have led to the realisation that leadership is a skill to be studied and developed

If we pause for a while and think about the role played by leaders it will not take us long to establish that it is the way they behave that determines how effective they are. We would need to think about the tasks and duties that they carry out and how they achieve their results. We must consider leaders to demonstrate specific styles, possess a range of skills and have certain personal qualities which enable them to get results from those that act on their decisions and commands

: الوصف

Leadership within business can be key to getting the best out of both the business and the team working within the business. This module examines the common traits of leadership and compares and contrasts different styles. By the end of the module students will understand the common principles and be able to profile their own leadership style to improve their effectiveness 

: المخرجات

Explore established models of leadership practices in the workplace

Examine examples of leadership practice in different fields

Determine the nature of your own leadership style

Identify your own leadership strengths and weaknesses

Develop skills to improve the effectiveness of your leadership

6 وحدة

مشاركة عبر

ميزات الدورة

  • وصول كامل من كافة الأجهزة
  • يقوم الطالب بالحصول على شهادة من المنصة بعد الانتهاء

نوع الدورة
info الدورة النصية هي نسق تعليمي يعتمد بشكل أساسي على المواد المكتوبة لنقل محتوى الدورة.
: نص


Qualities of Effective Leadership

Global Studies

76 عدد الطلاب

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