Motivating and Influencing People

: المقدّمة

?What is it that leads some people at work to do certain tasks really well


:This module tries to answer that question. If you think about, it really involves two questions


  • ?What motivates people to behave in certain ways
  • ?How can organizations and managers motivate individuals and groups to work towards the organization’s goals

Think about two teams carrying out the same activity. Their manager may ask how a series of tasks will be completed to create a product or service. The manager can plan how the work will be done, make sure that the teams have all the right materials, explain everyone’s tasks and deadlines, and measure progress once they get started. However, the two teams will almost certainly not work at the same speed, not create output of the same quality, nor show the same attitude to their work.


What’s different about the two teams

One of the key factors is motivation. What makes one team (or one individual) work much better than another? Are they motivated by getting a bonus if they do good work? Do they simply enjoy working well? Do they want their company to do well? Is there some team spirit that encourages good teamwork

Another key factor is influence. It may be that one team works well because they have been influenced by their manager or someone from inside the team. The influence may occur because someone explains how important this team’s work is. It may involve getting praise every time someone works well. It may be as simple as always smiling and being cheerful

The first two sections of this module look at motivation. We’ll look first at the things that might motivate us: do we simply want the money, are we looking for praise or promotion, or do we have some need to achieve success in some way? We’ll then look at the processes that people and teams go through: I certainly will not be motivated by the promise of a bonus for extra work if I was not actually given that bonus last time I worked hard. I might not work hard if I think that my company has not behaved fairly towards me in the past

The third section looks in a similar way at influencing people. First, what factors might affect how much influence a manager has; does influence depend on their job title, something about their personality, the knowledge, or some combination of all of those factors? Second, how should the manager try to influence people; how important is listening, communicating well, or leading by example

The last section then focuses on you and your performance. How can you assess you own performance as a motivator and influencer? If you find gaps in your skills and knowledge, what can you do to fill those gaps

: الوصف

The first two sections of this module look at motivation. We’ll look first at the things that might motivate us: do we simply want the money, are we looking for praise or promotion, or do we have some need to achieve success in some way? We’ll then look at the processes that people and teams go through: I certainly will not be motivated by the promise of a bonus for extra work if I was not actually given that bonus last time I worked hard. I might not work hard if I think that my company has not behaved fairly towards me in the past

: المخرجات

Assess which factors might motivate a particular person⟡

Plan ways of motivating people and teams⟡

Plan ways of influencing people and teams⟡

Assess and improve your own performance in motivating and influencing people⟡


5 وحدة

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  • وصول كامل من كافة الأجهزة
  • يقوم الطالب بالحصول على شهادة من المنصة بعد الانتهاء

نوع الدورة
info الدورة النصية هي نسق تعليمي يعتمد بشكل أساسي على المواد المكتوبة لنقل محتوى الدورة.
: نص


Motivating and Influencing People

Global Studies

71 عدد الطلاب

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