Governance and Directorships
: المقدّمة
This module provides a framework for understanding the area of corporate governance and directorships. The module discusses various issues associated with the two concepts. The module begins with a detailed discussion of the governance concept in a corporate context. Then, the various aspects of corporate governance are explained before discussing, in-depth, legal aspects of governance
A detailed description of employment law is also included in an attempt to discuss various relevant Acts. The module continues with an in-depth analysis of directorships and, more specifically, the issues associated with a director’s role as well as specific responsibilities of such roles. The module also provides a detailed discussion on how to distinguish between business ownership and business control. Finally, the module discusses various means for assessing governance
: الوصف
A manager does not work in isolation in managing a business. There are many stakeholders to account to and the objectives reach beyond commercial objectives alone. At a corporate level there are significant responsibilities and obligations to fulfill as an executive, owner or director of a business
This module outlines the legal, moral and ethical encumbrances on company stewardship
By the end of the module students will understand the broader role of management within any organization and responsibilities to shareholders and other stakeholders
: المخرجات
Understand the concept of governance⟡
Identify issues relating to employment law and legal aspects of governance⟡
Determine roles and responsibilities of directors⟡
Distinguish business ownership from business control⟡
Assess governance and directorship for different business structures⟡
ميزات الدورة
- وصول كامل من كافة الأجهزة
- يقوم الطالب بالحصول على شهادة من المنصة بعد الانتهاء
نوع الدورة
الدورة النصية هي نسق تعليمي يعتمد بشكل أساسي على المواد المكتوبة لنقل محتوى الدورة.
Governance and Directorships
Global Studies