(Level 3) Managing people in Organisations
: المقدّمة
Effective management of people within an organisation is essential if the objectives of the organisation are to be achieved. People represent the single most important resource of the organisation and their needs must be understood and respected
The unit begins by looking at personal effectiveness. It examines the approach adopted by managers, and their ability to instil a confident and positive atmosphere within the organisation. Self-confidence enables this approach to grow and, in turn, allows goals to be set and achieved by individuals, departments and the organisation, as a whole. Skills such as time management also contribute to greater effectiveness
The next section shows the importance of training and development. It discusses the need to identify skills which need improvement and appropriate actions to be taken to achieve this. It also examines learning styles of individuals and how these need to be catered for. The effective provision of training helps to generate enhanced motivation and encourages career planning and development. Recognition of the concept of a learning organisation helps to support the needs of employees and close the knowledge gap
Workforce welfare should be treated as an important element demonstrating care as it ensures that everybody employed within the organisation is valued and that there are benefits to be gained from being part of the organisation. Legal responsibilities are defined as a minimum level for health and safety, and are monitored by safety audits and risk assessments
Methods of recruitment should be chosen with due consideration to those involved and the specific needs of the vacancies to be filled. Commonly used techniques are compared and the importance of avoiding discrimination emphasised
Performance management provides an organisation with an opportunity to measure the effectiveness of individuals, as well a department. This is a two-way process as it also allows employees to discuss their individual needs and their goals within the organisation. Where necessary, staff appraisals may indicate where additional support, in the form of coaching, mentoring or counselling, may prove beneficial
The final section examines the effects of change and discusses the importance of change management. The negative effects of resistance to change must be overcome if the overall results of change are to prove positive
: الوصف
The unit begins by looking at personal effectiveness. It examines the approach adopted by managers, and their ability to instil a confident and positive atmosphere within the organisation. Self-confidence enables this approach to grow and, in turn, allows goals to be set and achieved by individuals, departments and the organisation, as a whole. Skills such as time management also contribute to greater effectivenes
The next section shows the importance of training and development. It discusses the need to identify skills which need improvement and appropriate actions to be taken to achieve this. It also examines learning styles of individuals and how these need to be catered for. The effective provision of training helps to generate enhanced motivation and encourages career planning and development. Recognition of the concept of a learning organisation helps to support the needs of employees and close the knowledge gap
Workforce welfare should be treated as an important element demonstrating care as it ensures that everybody employed within the organisation is valued and that there are benefits to be gained from being part of the organisation. Legal responsibilities are defined as a minimum level for health and safety, and are monitored by safety audits and risk assessments
Methods of recruitment should be chosen with due consideration to those involved and the specific needs of the vacancies to be filled. Commonly used techniques are compared and the importance of avoiding discrimination emphasised
Performance management provides an organisation with an opportunity to measure the effectiveness of individuals, as well a department. This is a two-way process as it also allows employees to discuss their individual needs and their goals within the organisation. Where necessary, staff appraisals may indicate where additional support, in the form of coaching, mentoring or counselling, may prove beneficial
The final section examines the effects of change and discusses the importance of change management. The negative effects of resistance to change must be overcome if the overall results of change are to prove positive
: المخرجات
Understand key elements of the recruitment and selection process⟡
Know how organisations carry out performance management⟡
Know how organisations develop people⟡
Know how to ensure employee training is effective⟡
Review own personal effectiveness⟡
Know the steps taken by organisations to ensure workplace welfare⟡
Know how to manage change⟡
ميزات الدورة
- وصول كامل من كافة الأجهزة
- يقوم الطالب بالحصول على شهادة من المنصة بعد الانتهاء
نوع الدورة
الدورة النصية هي نسق تعليمي يعتمد بشكل أساسي على المواد المكتوبة لنقل محتوى الدورة.
Managing people in Organisations
Global Studies