Information Systems Theory and Practice

: المقدّمة

Learners will understand the benefits of using information systems to plan a project. They will use an information system to plan and implement an information systems project. In addition, they will find out about different information systems project management tools and techniques , using them to plan, implement and review their own information systems project

Learners will begin by understanding how information systems are used in organisations by comparing different types of systems. The discussion then shifts towards selecting suitable criteria for assessing and evaluating information systems, as well as identifying information systems needs

Learners will then appreciate what is involved in the planning of the development of an information system and, in particular, creating a development pan, performing a feasibility study and using a range of techniques for requirements elicitation

Finally, learners will focus on implementation issues of information systems projects, placing an emphasis on project implementation, development issues, evaluation and improvements

: المخرجات

Understand information systems in organisations

Be able to plan the development of an information system

Be able to implement an information systems project


4 وحدة

مشاركة عبر

ميزات الدورة

  • وصول كامل من كافة الأجهزة
  • يقوم الطالب بالحصول على شهادة من المنصة بعد الانتهاء

نوع الدورة
info الدورة النصية هي نسق تعليمي يعتمد بشكل أساسي على المواد المكتوبة لنقل محتوى الدورة.
: نص

76 عدد الطلاب

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